Thursday, November 12, 2009

Q: What are my individual strengths as a designer?

A: I feel like i am overall pretty well rounded, but need more work modeling. I feel like i have strong sketching, but with more practice could be stronger. But most importantly i feel like i am not afraid to try something new. I am always game to learn new methods, see new tutorials or find new sources of inspiration. (It's nice to finally have some presented to us in class.) Lastly, i think that layouts and putting together boards are a strong suit. None the less, i still feel like i have a long way to go.


Here is my direction for my storyboards for my dentist chair project. This is just presenting the style, i will have to go back to an office with a model for more in-depth pics for the end of my project.

Good Design. Whew. This is heavy. Is it heavy? Or is this question so subjective that i can't seem to wrap my head around it? No clue. What is good design to me? Good design is my bodum coffee maker, it's my dad's macbook, my mom's rolling pin. They are things that work better than intended, look good or in some cases stand the test of time. To me, materialism is a nasty nasty word when applied to product design. To me,there is nothing wrong with bringing objects into your everyday life, and letting them seamlessly integrate into our families and rituals, or if not seamlessly, becoming objects or treasures that we love or are proud to posess.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Pantone Flash Drives

Adrian Tomine and Pops

Back in high school, my parents used to subscribe to The New Yorker. One day, we got a new issue in the mail, and the cover just spoke to me. It was this bright, clean illustration of two subway cars passing each other, inside the two separate cars were two young people reading the same book, looking up from it, realizing the other person on the other train was holding the same novel. There was so much story in that one illustration, i was hooked, Adrian Tomine could capture my thoughts and feelings with simple lines and colors. I still go back to his graphic novels and illustrations, for ideas on how to convey my own thoughts in a poignant, simple way.

Okay, so another illustrator i love is my dad. I always have, and not just because of the fact he's the best dad in world, but also because i think he understands perspective and knows how to add a fun twist to any story he's given. Here is the link to his blog. (He also teaches an online course at the Art Academy of San Francisco on perspective and view in illustration.)

Pantone Flash Drives- Illustrator Renderings


Ahh Tord Boontje. Unfortunate-sounding name, but very cool, inspired designer.  He dabbles in lace, digital media and laser cut materials, but somehow is work always screams his personality.  It's whimsical, light and fun.  I have always been a fan, but as i have grown in design i have also realized i still like him because his designs are so refreshing to look at, especially when some of our projects at school can become so serious.


Here is my portfolio!

Dental Technologies. Dentalriffic.

I have learned about some new technologies as well as practices in dentist offices. Here are three i think i am going to incorporate into my project.
1. Digital X-Ray Imaging- Not only will it reduce the exposure to radiation, the x-rays will be preformed with the aid of a computer which will also store and record the x-rays.
2. Virtual Headsets - Many dentist offices now provide virtual headsets for patients to watch movies/ tv on during long procedures.
3. Suction vs. Sink - Due to recent studies, all newer dentist offices will now use suction over sinks for their patients, as they are cleaner and more hygienically sound.

Rad Movie Trailer, yo

Ah. I saw this trailer this summer. Maybe it's my love for Napoleon Dynamite or Flight of the Concords, but i am extremely excited to see this ridiculously stupid-looking movie. Why do i think it acts as good communication? I think that the guy who does these movies captures a little corner of society and corniness so perfectly. Not everyone looks like a movie star, there is something so wonderfully unpolished and real about everyone. I love the scene where the main character sits down in the auditorium and the goofy-looking kid next to him gives him this painful glare. It's great. It's all about the details, right?
 Hmm. Communicating a strong message in a brand. Well, you have brands like Nike which with a single swoopy line can conjure up thousands of different thoughts or opinions, ranging from Michael Jordan or sweatshops in China. I think in  larger brand like that, they become so big that sometimes they must pull away and realize what their mission was in the first place, away from all the hype and glitter. So i chose a brand which is newer, less attached to messy stigmas (also, i hope it is never associated with the word messy, as it deals with cleaning products...), anyways i chose Method. I feel that their clear concept of sustainable, earth friendly cleaning and household products is conveyed beautifully through simple, smart packaging and solutions that are easy enough for any Target consumer to use. I think i can use this as inspiration to my own work, keeping in mind my original mission for a project, and keeping it simple and understandable for all.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Portfolio Oh No.

Love this article. I think it has some great links and it is helping me to maybe simplify my layout a bit, but keep some personality. Portfolios such as the one by Jonathan Saunders makes me feel like a couple of drop shadows can add some dimension, but i really need to focus on highlighting my work. Cool beans. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hi. Yes, indeed, i am Eleanor and i am from Chicago.  Lets start this new blog intro with some interesting things about me:
A. Many of my friends know that in 2006 i was the National Science Olympiad Tree Identification Champion, but did you know I was also the national champion in thermochemistry too? Hot i know. (Must mean i am exothermic, right?)
B. When i was little, most sunday mornings my parents and i would go to our favorite donut place in Chicago, Amy Joy and then go to a local park. Some of the most magical childhood memories involves sprinkles, fried dough and park benches. 
C. I have really good luck winning sweepstakes and random-drawing contests. Here is a list (within a list) of just a few of my good fortunes. 
                       1. Three day pass to this summer's pitchfork music concert in Chicago
                       2. Tickets to Justin Timberlake
                       3. Free French Toast Sticks 
                       4. Tickets to Donny Osmond in Joseph and the technicolor dream coat (1995)
                       5.  Penguin puzzle (1996 or 1997)
                       7. Seventeen Magazine backpack filled with fabulous prizes (1998)

So, in the past year I have come to realize that i am very lucky with not only contests but also in my daily life. My friends and family are wonderful people, who, at the moment, are all happy and healthy. I was fortunate enough to have a paying job in this economy this past summer and i am fortunate to return to a great school with great people constantly pushing me to do my best. 
As for this quarter, my goals are to tackle this dentist chair project and be more comfortable with solid works in alias. Although i feel like i can finally navigate myself around in these and function, i would like my designs to be less driven by my competency in these programs. Sometimes i feel like i over-simplify to make it easy on myself in these programs. I would also like to work more on my digital sketching speed. At my past co-op, i got pretty comfortable with it and did a few things i was proud of, but i would like to up my speed in photoshop or sketchbook pro.
My past 2 co-ops were at Hasbro toys. Co-op one i worked for the Littlest Pet Shop division and then my second time around was in the Playskool division. Although i have three playsets coming out in LPS from my first round, the job involved lots of cleaning up after the senior and junior designer's photoshop work and also taking over all the bitchwork of a girl who left in a dramatic uproar. (8-10 girls all working together= mass chaos) The second time around was much better, I was given lots of concept work, and for the first time, a little bit of respect. My first co-op was at Burton snowboards, where i worked under the Channel Islands surf team helping to re-do their accessory line (surf leashes, fins, traction pads) and i had a blast. I was working with an engineer and we really worked well together, it was really easy to take his concepts and add some style to them. Burlington, Vermont where Burton was also was a wonderful place for a first co-op, its absolutely beautiful and i met some really great people.
So this quarter, i am going to kick some design ass, i'm taking names, and giving my best possible one-two design punch. Really though, i have come to realize that i came back with a burst of confidence after Burton, and that had faded by the beginning of spring quarter. I am ready for my new portfolio to be smart, fun and hopefully very Eleanorish.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Model Making Pics!

Ad for Bodum Project (needs more text)...I used their 2009 Catalog Font.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Bradford and I designed this sassy little kitchen with the help of solidworks, hypershot and a bit of photoshop.

Chair for Tony's Class. I think the color scheme might need some re-thinking.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Form Studies- Working on determining the final bulb shape. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Big Heavy World Poster

Here's the a poster i whipped up for Mike and Big Heavy World over in Burlington, VT! Baker's Dozen! Donuts! WooHoo! Check them out!

Bodum Brand Presentation

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Here is the link to the Bodum 2009 Catalog!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spring 2009 ID Studio
Ahh, to be reunited with my studio loves. Spring is in the air, birds are chirping and we shall partake in yet another quarter of sketching, model-making, soft pretzel eating, Robin/Charlie dueling and 3-hour critiquing. All is well.
As for this project, Peter has asked us to pick a brand, and create a light, as a brand extension. Classmate choices range from shoes to toilets to Ugly dolls. (My! Aren't we a fun bunch?) I am excited for everybody's presentations tomorrow to see how they think of their brand through a mind map...

Hasta Luego mis amigos,